• Camp Hope For Kids (map)
  • 79 Yerger Rd
  • Schwenksville, PA, 19473
  • United States

This class teaches the student how to develop powerful and practical sermons and classes from the biblical text based upon proven principles of exposition.  Register HERE.

Required Reading: Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson. 

Before you come to class, complete the following prerequites: 

  1. Read Biblical Preaching by Haddon Robinson

  2. Watch the lecture videos on Biblical Preaching (available HERE)

  3. Prepare a short document based on the outline below

Please complete a short document which will include your Sermon Outline (as per the book's recommendation) as well as the following information:

  1. Your sermon's Big Idea (exegetical),

  2. Your sermon's Big Idea (homiletical), 

  3. A quick analysis of your audience's needs

  4. Sermon Purpose (what moral change do you strive to affect)

  5. Sermon Style (and why you chose that style)

Be ready to hand in this document with your sermon outline and discuss it during class. Also be ready to preach a 5 minute section of your sermon (assuming that your sermon will be approximately 25-40 minutes in total length).