On March 19-20 2015, the Louis' will lead the MTA study of effective Marriage and Parenting to equip ministers for these critical pastoral responsibilities. You can sign up via the Greater Baltimore Church of Christ's website (they will hosting the event at Inner Harbor in Baltimore).
Is there a God? Is He the God of the Bible? How do we know? Join this profitable study in Silver Spring, MD January 4-5, 2015. The study will include learning blocks on Logic, Reason, The Cosmological Argument, Reliability of Scriptures, and Evidence for the Resurrection.
MTA is going on a road trip to present two core curriculum classes, Biblical Exegesis I and II, in June and July of 2014.
Check out the New Testament Survey CCA class here . Join us Jan 10-12 in Roanoke, VA as Dr. Gabe Santos takes us through the New Testament as we learn more about the world the NT was written in as well as book by book understanding of the NT as a whole. Please contact Matt Fisk for more details at fiskmr@gmail.com
Please see the Biblical Preaching page for more information on this class for the Campus Commonwealth Academy - it's also a core curriculum class for the Minstry Training Academy's certificate program.
January 12-13, 2013 at University of Maryland and Montgomery County Church
As society polarizes between the faithful and the skeptical, the need for Christians to defend the truth and reason of the gospel grows. This 2-day teaching session will cover:
- Basics of Logical Thinking
- Apologetics and the Ministry
- Dialoguing with Skeptics
- Reliability of the Scriptures & Historicity of Christ
- Supporting Arguments for the Existence of GodRegistration cost is $25 (Bring pocket-money for meals).
Register early with your ministry leader so that accommodation plans can get made; students will stay in the homes of local disciples. Plan to arrive Friday evening (Jan 11), first teaching session will begin Saturday morning, detailed itinerary will be provided to students upon registration. The CCA is open to juniors, seniors, graduate students, or One-Year Challenge participants who have been commended by their ministry leaders to participate
Before attending, students will also be required to:
- Complete the required reading: Compelling Evidence for God and the Bible by Doug Jacoby
- Review 2 PowerPoint presentations: Introduction to Logical Thinking and Informal Logical Fallacies
- Watch two videos: "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" and "The Privileged Planet" which will be available on this site
- Watch the Ehrman-Licona Debate: Can Historians Prove that Jesus Rose from the Dead? This is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyHA3K_6H0g&playnext=1&list=PL6D234D82EE675236&feature=results_main