MeatEaters Workshop: “How Context Ignites Your Bible Study”
With the Context in view, your Bible study will soar with new thrills and convictions:
The Cultural/Historical Context. Our NT was written to audiences that lived in a particular culture that will help you make great sense of your NT studies.
The Redemptive Context. Just as a typical Rom Com has a plot line of “boy meets girl; boy loses girl, boy gets girl back; they live happily ever after” so the grand narrative of the Bible has a story arc that leads to a beautiful conclusion. When each story of our NT fits into the grand narrative, it springs into its full beauty.
The OT Context. “I’ll be back.” “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” “There’s no crying in baseball.” Sure we can quote these movie lines. We even know how they fit into our conversations to make us think about much more than the line itself but the whole plot line of the scene or the movie. That’s how the main characters and writers of our NT knew the OT. They oozed OT allusions all throughout all they said and wrote. So if you want to really see the NT come into full view, grab the OT.
The Literary Context. Location, location, location. It’s what matters most in both real estate and effective Bible study. Learn how to read NT passages in the same way that its first audience heard it. You’ll learn to track with a narrative arc and rhetorical argument to be enriched in every reading of your NT.
The Supernatural Context. Western civilization has worked to ‘tame’ the Bible since at least the 5th century A.D. As a result, most of us have developed a tendency to squeeze the Biblical story into something we can easily understand and explain in logical, natural terms. This causes us to gloss over important textual aspects that illuminate the story, bring it to light, and reveal to us our own role in the spiritual adventure to which Christ has called us and enabled us to join. Our Bible is not tame. Neither is God. And neither is the spiritual, supernatural, world in which we live as Disciples of Jesus.
The Communal Context. Just as you can’t tell a fish it’s in water, it’s that difficult to tell us that we’re steeped in an individualistic mindset that redirects most of what we read in our NT. But, hey, we’ll try to unveil our prejudice here to embrace the full power of the NT
The Redemptive Context By Ed And Deb Anton
The Redemptive Context. Just as a typical Rom Com has a plot line of “boy meets girl; boy loses girl, boy gets girl back; they live happily ever after” so the grand narrative of the Bible has a story arc that leads to a beautiful conclusion. When each story of our NT fits into the grand narrative, it springs into its full beauty.
The Cultural Context by Brett Miller
The Cultural/Historical Context. Our NT was written to audiences that lived in a particular culture that will help you make great sense of your NT studies.
The Old Testament Context by Matt and Katy Fisk
The OT Context. “I’ll be back.” “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.” “There’s no crying in baseball.” Sure we can quote these movie lines. We even know how they fit into our conversations to make us think about much more than the line itself but the whole plot line of the scene or the movie. That’s how the main characters and writers of our NT knew the OT. They oozed OT allusions all throughout all they said and wrote. So if you want to really see the NT come into full view, grab the OT.
The Supernatural Context by Tim Rees
The Supernatural Context. Western civilization has worked to ‘tame’ the Bible since at least the 5th century A.D. As a result, most of us have developed a tendency to squeeze the Biblical story into something we can easily understand and explain in logical, natural terms. This causes us to gloss over important textual aspects that illuminate the story, bring it to light, and reveal to us our own role in the spiritual adventure to which Christ has called us and enabled us to join. Our Bible is not tame. Neither is God. And neither is the spiritual, supernatural, world in which we live as Disciples of Jesus.
The Literary Context by Drew Mines
The Literary Context. Location, location, location. It’s what matters most in both real estate and effective Bible study. Learn how to read NT passages in the same way that its first audience heard it. You’ll learn to track with a narrative arc and rhetorical argument to be enriched in every reading of your NT.
The Communal Context by Ben and Melina Hutchins
The Communal Context. Just as you can’t tell a fish it’s in water, it’s that difficult to tell us that we’re steeped in an individualistic mindset that redirects most of what we read in our NT. But, hey, we’ll try to unveil our prejudice here to embrace the full power of the NT